Monday, February 2, 2009

Madagascar 2

After hearing all the good comments about Madagascar 2, it made me wanna watch this movie too. So i got this movie from my roommate.

And soon I noticed i am not watching Madagascar 2, but Madafackap 2.... xD

There are many ppl complaining that I seldom update my blog, sorry ya, i will fix my lazy bone D: Recently I am having really bad sore throat and having problem with sleeping sigh...getting older ady, pif...


LauraLeia said...

LOL! I got the same thing when playing my *coughpasarmalamcough* DVD of Madagascar 2 too!
But it was a pretty good movie. =) You've just gotta love those Mafia penguins. XD

levin said...

Haha pasarmalam *cough cough* xD dunno why the penguin boss look alike with the shark from finding nemo...maybe just to me @_@